Jihong Ding C.A. is an acupuncturist, herbologist, and professor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). She is nationally certified in acupuncture and Chinese herbology by NCCOM and licensed to practice acupuncture in both New Jersey and New York
She has more than 22 years of clinical treatment experience in TCM, acupuncture and herbology in hospitals, clinics, and medical centers in China, New York and New Jersey.
Dr. Ding received a M.B./B.S. degree from Anhui College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China in 1987 and pursued graduate studies there from 1991-1993. She worked at Anhui College as an assistant professor and also worked as a doctor at the affiliated Anhui Acupuncture Hospital until 1995.
She has taught many courses for master degree programs and supervised students for clinical practice of TCM, acupuncture, and herbal medicine at several colleges in New Jersey, New York, and China. Additionally, she has published multiple books, papers, and videotape series in Oriental Medicine, Eastern Nutrition, Taiji, and Qigong.

Jihong Ding C.A. has also focused her skills in other areas becoming a master of Qigong, a world champion of Taiji Sword, a Wushu (Chinese martial arts) athlete, and a specialist in Taiji Quan and Sword. She has won numerous medals and championships and is a former Chief Coach for the martial arts and Qigong teams at Anhui College of Traditional Chinese Medicine which earned medals in the China National Games.